Sunday, September 28, 2014


It is very likely there will be a relatively significant amount of downtime on this site.

In the meantime I add this final image, a very nice painting by my father Lyn Ott from before he heard of Meher Baba. I thought it was beautiful, and shows that his bold style was already well established before hearing of Baba.

Girl with fruit, Lyn Ott, painted in Woodstock, NY, early 1960s.
And here is a detail of that same painting next to a photo of my daughter Megan at sixteen.

Painting 1964, Photo 2012
Photo of my father's painting of a girl discovered online and sent to me by Tony Zois of meherbabatravels. Photo of Megan Ott by Susan White.

Painting © Lyn Ott estate, i.e. Chris Ott and Leslie Sage Walsh
Photo of Megan Ott © 2012, Susan White

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