Monday, August 14, 2017

The Dark Cloud

Meher Baba used the enigmatic analogy of a 'dark cloud' that he 'saw coming.' He made these remarks in 1957 and 1958, both in India and America.

Sometimes he nearly repeated himself. The first of these he said in India:
I have been made to take this human form by the five Perfect Masters of this age, to bear the cross and to undergo humiliation. You have read in the Gospels wherein Christ had said to his apostles: "You will deny me." This did happen when Peter, the chief apostle, denied Jesus. The thing is that during the phase of humiliation, the circumstances will go so awry that you will not be aware when my daaman has slipped out of your hands! At that time, you may even feel justified in leaving me. But if you feel that this should not happen, there is one remedy. You should grasp well all of what I say and understandingly live up to it. You should also tell everything that you hear today to those who are not present. In short, I clearly see the dark cloud. I do not wish to make a mere mention of the dark cloud without any reason, but this is my loving warning to you so that my daaman may not slip out of your hands. (India, 1957)
Then, several months later in America:
"Peter denied me when I was Jesus. The dark cloud of which I have been warning you is very, very near. It will happen suddenly, from an unexpected angle, just like I have mentioned the sudden onrush of the cobras. You will not expect it from such an angle, and you will feel justified in leaving me. Each will be tried by his own psychological weakness, but try to hang on." (America, 1958)
Here is my interpretation. The analogy to a cloud is that it darkens your vision so you cannot discern properly. He is saying that this will sneak up on you, and that you won't expect it and won't even recognize it. You won't know when you are deceived. You will think you are on the right side of things, when you are in fact against all that Baba stood for. This is the 'leaving him' without realizing it.

Now Baba also used the analogy of cobras, as part of his 'dark cloud' figure.
"If six cobras came into this room suddenly from out there, would you just sit still here with me? No, you would be flying out the doors and windows as fast as you could in sheer panic. You would forget all about Baba!" (America 1958)
then, from the above, he continued:
It will happen suddenly, from an unexpected angle, just like I have mentioned the sudden onrush of the cobras.
Baba is talking of a time approaching when his lovers will be blind-sided, deceived into something without realizing they have been deceived.

To have a picture of Baba is not to follow him. I think to let go of 'Him' is something deeper than his photos and his name and attending meetings.

Now the other part of this figure Baba used, was the double reference to Saint Peter, who denied Jesus three times after the crucifixion. Peter was blindsided, and failed to have the courage to stand up to criticism. He wanted to meld into the crowd. He wanted to avoid trouble. He wanted to conform. After all, Jesus was dead.

This, I think, is what Baba's followers eventually did do. They denounced Baba's teaching, and chose to align themselves with the new political correctness, to not seem unhip or ungroovy or illiberal. They chose to meld in, to trend with the times -- to abandon Baba's message and feign loyalty. But that loyalty is to a weird new Socialism, and correctness of opinion. They join the 'resistance' against conservative values that Baba came to uphold and revitalize.

Peter faced persecution, as a disciple of the failed messiah, and likely death. That is why he denied knowing Jesus when people recognized him in the crowd. Peter did in the end submit himself willingly to authorities in Rome, and was crucified.

I think Baba's lovers are his humiliation. They have no guts. They run from the cross rather than take it up.

This is a strange interpretation, but I see it constantly. I do not go to the Meher Center in Myrtle Beach anymore, even though I lived there with Baba's permission when I was a boy. When I go people are constantly harping about Trump and what a monster he is. Baba left an order that politics not be discussed on the Center. No one is obeying it. They are not Baba lovers, they are part of this new French Revolution. They are liberal, not spiritual. They have passionate hate. They speak hatefully and with disgust of the southerners around the Center. They speak with fear about Christians (they keep referring to the 'Bible Belt' like it is some menacing cloud around them) taking away their nonprofit charter. How paranoid is that? They live in some comic book vision of the South. The hate and diatribe drips from their lips about their own neighbors.

They don't teach their kids 'abstinence before marriage' and think it is conservative and stupid. They even denounce 'just say no to drugs,' not knowing that it was a true Baba academic that was involved in promoting this very successful strategy under Reagan. Why would they be against teaching children 'abstinence' and 'just say no' when these were Baba's own opinions?

When you say what Baba said about homosexuality or that there are only two genders they accuse the editor of the book where it is written of having been a liar and a drunk and a homophobe. When you show it was not the editor but the author, a mandali of Baba, who heard it from Baba himself, they say the mandali was a liar. It just has to be a lie. Then when both are dead, they remove the quotes from the following edition. That's real denial.

Why would Baba followers champion free access abortion? Because it's liberal to do so. But Baba was clear in his Discourses that such physical means of birth control was spiritually disastrous.
. . . the use of physical means [of birth control] is detrimental to the development of self-control and is positively disastrous for spiritual advancement. It is therefore entirely inadvisable even for the best of motives. (Discourses, Volume I, The Sanctification of Married Life, pp. 154-55, )
How are such boldfaced dismissals of Baba's teaching in preference for liberal values possible? These are not Baba lovers, they have drunk the Kool-Aid of the culture, and feel "justified" in leaving him. For they did not guess they would be tested from such an "unexpected angle." They did not expect to be tested by their "own psychological weakness."  These are Baba's own words for what he said would happen, and I think it has occurred. We have to be willing to be humiliated with Baba, to be shunned. Instead we hide and run, and conform with the diseased trends of our time.

The first Christians sang hymns as they dug their own graves. They were brave.

In our time the Baba lovers are like first century Christians hailing Nero to escape his torches, who make sacrifices at pagan shrines to avoid perceived impiety by the Roman culture. These are not Baba lovers, nor Baba followers. Baba said avoid channeling and they channel, choose marriage or celibacy and they refuse the choice, don't talk politics on his Center, and they discuss it in the most vile tones. Their kids take cocaine and heroine, and run a million miles away, and they don't know why. Indeed the dark cloud is upon us that Baba said he saw coming.
In short, I clearly see the dark cloud. I do not wish to make a mere mention of the dark cloud without any reason, but this is my loving warning to you so that my daaman may not slip out of your hands. (India, 1957) 
Now there is a real force behind the deceptions that are clouding people's perceptions. Baba referred to this as the 'anti-God tend,' and 'anti-God element(s).' I have tried to make the history and culprits behind this trend and element clear in numerous of my posts, but most notably in my recent post Why the west hates itself. The two halves of this anti-God element are the long growing trend of atheism, which I explain in that post, and a vision of a totalitarian atheist world state. This movement often falls under the name 'Socialism' (even though there are good forms of socialism and socialism itself does not need to be authoritarian).' Its method of bringing this about is social engineering, and it utilizes research in mind-control techniques that it itself funds through think tanks. This world state it envisages is well depicted in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, who was deeply involved in its inception. Huxley was personally behind many of these trends and is considered to have designed MKUltra, as well as the Macy Conferences and Esalen Institute where mind-control methods (called cybernetics) were developed. These developments were being carried out during the very period Baba gave his two warnings about the coming cloud. It is not surprising that Baba lovers seem to adore Aldous Huxley as a genuine spiritual trailblazer.

The Communist Manifesto, and the Fabian Socialists, sought to abolish three traditions from the past that they condemned as bourgeoisie. They were the nuclear family, the nation state, and belief in God. Huxley added the notion of drugs as a form of self-enslavement. His brother Julian was behind the founding of Planned Parenthood. Their grandfather Thomas Huxley was friends with Charles Darwin, and feverishly promoted his ideas, and was referred to in his time as 'Darwin's bulldog.' Not surprisingly, again, Baba lovers still believe in Darwinism. Now the abolition of the family is carried on today as the fight against fathers as the principle source of domestic violence and child abuse, and by encouraging teenagers to rebel against their parents through books and movies (like Catcher in the Wry and Rebel without a Cause). Yet more pressure is exerted against the nuclear family by promotion of birth control and abortion. The welfare system discourages nuclear families. Black families were broken up in the 1960s by this method. We see the destruction of the nation state today with the idea of open borders, and by forcing nations into unions like the EU, an unelected bureaucracy. And God is condemned at every turn.

All this is cynically done in the name of oneness, morality, inclusion, peace, equality, and freedom. When in fact it is leading to division, immorality, exclusion, constant bitterness and distrust, inequality, and human enslavement.

Where does all this lead? Where do people with no family, national unity, community, or church turn to? To government. Government, in this vision of an atheist Utopia becomes your parents, your church, your sole security, and your God. In place of God one is given a steady diet of UFOs, sex without consequences, legal marijuana, rock music idols to worship, and survival of the fittest to make your lowly lot justifiable.

Just about every apparent 'wonderful' thing sold on the public as a new morality is in support of dismantling one of these three institutions. Focus on the the earth our only home, rather than our nation. Sacrifice for the environment, not your neighbor. Force nuns to make wedding cakes for gay couples to make things fair, when it's to denigrate religious faith. Ban guns to protect people when it's to make you dependent on government. Legalize marijuana to make you free when it's really to keep you self-imprisoned. Welfare for the stoned and the broken family to lift them up, when it's really to keep them helpless and beholden. We could go on and on. Behind every lovely sounding thing is a deception, leading you to the opposite of what it promises. 

If we were to summarize, the final outcome, if God were to allow this to cover the world, would be a totally Godless world, based entirely on tenets of survival of the fittest, where elite overlords are entitled because they are smarter and we were stupid enough to buy the lies and deserve our lot by the cruel law of the jungle. The great irony is that by some strange providence, Baba's own followers have chosen to be on the wrong side of all of this, have haplessly drunk the poison Kool-Aid, forgetting Baba out of a righteous sense of being 'progressive,' and by doing this sided with the anti-God globalist agenda, not perceiving its real motivation. The worst aspect is that they feel so self-righteous in doing so. And that is what I find so prescient about Baba's prediction, for he anticipated this very attitude.
you will feel justified in leaving me
Baba also said in 1958, knowing full well that few would heed his warning:
The dark cloud is approaching very fast. Only a few will hold on to me. Those who are near me, not in space but in love. The rest will leave me. The age-old experience will be repeated. In this incarnation, I have a large following, but again I shall be left with a few.

Some endnotes:

Baba gave these warnings in India in 1957 and America in 1958. As he said these things the following projects were underway:

1. The Macy Conferences (1941-1960) where cybernetics and LSD were tested for social engineering purposes. These were immediately followed by the Esalen Institute established in Big Sur, California in 1962 by Huxley to develop humanistic alternative education.
2. CIA Project MKUltra (1953-1967) where LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs were tested on the public in dozens of Universities.
3. "The pill" (released in 1960) was being developed in laboratories at this time. It was placed on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system. The pill was a catalyst for the sexual revolution that followed its release.
4. The European Union was formed by the Treaty of Rome January 1, 1958.
5. Project Blue Book (1952-1969) was actively spreading UFO mania with monthly open press conferences.
6. Operation Paperclip (1945-1990) was still unknown to the public. Under it Nazi scientists hidden in the US were working on medical, military, and intelligence (disinformation and surveillance techniques) projects in the United States.
7. In the late 1950s Gloria Steinen served as director of the Independent Research Service, an organization funded by the CIA.
8. On May 13, 1957 Life Magazine published an article introducing the young to psilocybin mushrooms. The article, "Seeking the Magic Mushroom," was funded by the CIA through J. P. Morgan Company.
9. In 1954 the Bilderberg Group was established where financial, political, and military leaders meet every year behind closed doors, in violation of the The Logan Act of 1799 that prohibits unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. The group's existence was exposed in 1975 by journalist Jim Tucker, but was covered over by the press as a conspiracy theory until it was openly admitted in 2002.

If one believes as I do that Baba knew of these clandestine preparations for deception and social engineering, then his warnings in 1957 and 1958 make total sense. The things we believe now were being developed behind closed doors at precisely this time.


  1. Chris your amazing! your words ring so true, you are a beekin of light in this world and especially in the Baba world.

  2. Chris, to your reference to (St.) Peter, the reason he denied Jesus was... fear. To the reference to cobras, the reason people would run is... fear. The "dark cloud" is clearly (no pun) some"thing" that elicits... fear. And more importantly, primal fear - fear for one's life. What can make you fear for your life? I will think about this for myself, and imagine. If there were a virus that was spreading about, and its consequence was not just death, but a ghastly painful death, I would have primal fear. If I felt I could not trust anyone about me, at all, I would have primal fear. If I felt I was going mad and losing touch with reality, I would not necessarily have primal fear, but if I felt mentally threatened in some very big way, I would have primal fear. The "dark cloud" seems to me to be some"thing" that elicits primal fear in... everyone, at the same time, in all areas of the world (cultures, economies, regions, etc.), without exception. And what about Meher Baba's recommendation in response to the "dark cloud? He recommends simply, "You should grasp well all of what I say and understandingly live up to it." This implies the best defense to the "dark cloud" is thoughtful and integrated, and part of daily life. One grasps with the mind and lives with the body and the heart. The best defense to the "dark cloud" is therefore not a vaccine. It is in our every breath, thought, and action. Additionally, most all those people to whom he said these words are gone and dead. Was he talking about how they should have such pointed concentration of integrating spiritual values into their lives, as Meher Baba described them, such that the force of this conviction could somehow persist into a next life, when a "dark cloud" would "happen suddenly"? Finally, it is interesting that Meher Baba describes this "dark cloud" as "happening" and not "coming". When I think of a dark cloud I think of something that I can see coming. I don't think of a cloud "happening". What kind of things happen suddenly? Most everything I can think of that "happens" actually has a period where it is "coming".
    What is it then that "happens suddenly" but doesn't "come", and is such that our response to this "happening" is primal fear, and when it "happens" we do not realize it has dislodged us from our personal connection with Meher Baba (daaman), and "happens" such that the best defense is to "grasp" Meher Baba's words and "live up to them", and "tell others who are not (t)here" what Meher Baba has said? Hmmmmm. I may be in agreement with your exposition above, Chris, but do you have any thoughts to develop / respond-to my note above?

  3. ...perhaps the "dark cloud" is what the world will be like the moment after the Internet ceases to exist?
