Sunday, July 2, 2017

Baba on gender Identity

Today there is a growing list of 'genders' that people, even children, are being pressed to choose from based on how they feel.

What did Baba say? Baba said there are male and female sanskaras, not some third or fourth or fifth kind. Baba said that when a person takes a male body it is to work off his male sanskaras, and when the person takes a female body it is to work off her female sanskaras. It is in fact the male sanskaras that give rise to the male body, and the female sanskaras that give rise to the female body — specifically for the working out of the respective kinds of sanskaras.

The following is from a footnote in Lord Meher, Volume 6, first American print edition.
Both male and female sex sanskaras exist in the human mind and human form; however, the state of human consciousness is that “the homosexual is in male form but is working out or spending his female sanskaras, whereas he is meant to be spending his male sanskaras,” since the soul has reincarnated as a man. A lesbian is “working out or spending her male sanskaras, whereas she is meant to be spending her female sanskaras,” since the soul has reincarnated as a woman.
      (from a footnote in Lord Meher, Volume 6, 1986 print edition, p. 2213)

In all later versions of Lord Meher, this footnote was omitted. 

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