Monday, June 20, 2022

A Bit about this Blogger

I was looking at this photo this morning and had the thought to say a little bit about myself, the host of this blog. You can click the picture to enlarge it. The photo was taken at the Avatar Meher Baba Circle Center in Myrtle Beach, South Caroloina in December 2020 by my book editor Fereshteh Azad. I'm in my little cubicle office here, where I maintain the group's weekly newsletter.

I have two degrees, which pretty much define me. One is in film production from the University of Southern California, generally considered to be the best and most prestigious film school in the world. The other is an MA in philosophy from the University of Arkansas where I lived for 16 years.

Anyone who follows any of my sites knows I'm a big fan of Amira Willighagen and a student of the Indian master Meher Baba. I have one daughter, Megan, who is 26 and lives in Arkansas.

Here's a hub for all my writings and videos

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