Yes, it's true I'm fat. So are my favorite men of history and fiction. Here are a few.
Gabriel Pascal (one of Baba's close disciples, whom he named his Phoenix)
Alfred Hitchcock, British American director
Benjamin Franklin, one of the geniuses of the Enlightenment
Winston Churchill (Baba called him the 'hero' of WWII)
Nero Wolf (one of Baba's favorite fictional characters)
Orson Welles (Baba saw Citizen Kane and praised it)
Peter Jackson, director of Lord of the Rings
Sam Baggins (Baba read and loved Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and marveled at the scene in the Hobbit where their eating made the hobbit's buttons pop off their vests.
St. Thomas Aquinas (first Aristotelian arguments for the existence of God)
Burl Ives, actor
Marlon Brando, actor
John Belushi, actor
W. C. Fields, actor
Theodore Roosevelt, American president
William McKinley, American president
Homer Simpson (Mani Irani loved the Simpsons, and was known to say "Beer me Marge.")
Jackie Gleason, actor
Budai, historical Chinese monk often referred to as the Laughing Buddha.
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