Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Miracle (1912 film)

For those that are interested in films, there happens to be a very well written, in-depth article on the flim version of the play The Miracle, that starred Baba disciple Norina Matchabelli (screen name Maria Carmi).

You can read it here.

This is the film version that also starred Norina. Another version of the play was made that same year with a different cast. In all, the play, which Norina played in over 1000 times, was made into three films, two in 1912, and a third in 1959 starring Carroll Baker and Roger Moore (of James Bond fame).

Interesting aspects to the 1912 film.
  • The film was full length, highly unusual for 1912
  • Filmed in black and white, several prints were colorized in Paris, thus it is considered an early color film
  • It was one of the first films to ever have a recorded sound track, not synchronous but played during performances
  • The track included a score by Englebert Humperdinck
  • It was a panatomime spectacle, one of the only of its kind
  • Actors and props were arranged on the theater stage during mass screenings

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