Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Jackie Evancho, the Little Monster

Because I am a fan of young talent, I constantly get spammed with Jackie Evancho. Her producers have some relationship with the big tech bots, algorithms, and spiders. They turned her pictures and advertising into a virtual virus.

For over a year I've harped on the new traditional music revivalists, and praised them. What is ironic is that Jackie Evancho was, as a child, one that spearheaded this movement. However, she long ago dropped out -- and now is a macabre imitation of Black Sabath/Madonna/Vampira.

So now I, who hate this kind of thing, have to be inundated by this devil music because of some fluke in Google's ARTIFICIAL UNINTELLIGENCE programs.

There is absolutely nothing in common between Amira Willighagen and Jackie Evancho. It's like heaven and hell.

Jackie Evancho and Amira Willighagen
Amira is a star athlete, acrobat, and long-distance runner.
Jackie has 'come out' about her anorexia.

Jackie's fans? are no one knows.
Amira's fans are educated Europeans and devout Catholics.

Jackie's idea of 'looking grown up' is tweeting pictures like this:

Amira's idea of looking more mature and ladylike, was to comb her hair and put on a dress for her recent tribute to Ennio Morricone, a music video that she shot and edited herself.
Jackie Evancho early days
Jackie Evancho started out as an adorable girl. But celebrity did what it frequently does, caused her to have an ego crisis and lose all perspective and good sense. I wish Google's algorithms would stop sending me her stuff when I'm not looking for it. It doesn't help Jackie's case. Sometimes a little intelligence goes a longer way than a lot of artificial unintelligence.

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