Monday, October 15, 2018

The gradual transformation

There was a well meaning well educated Baba lover who proposed that Baba lovers can be broken into two groups, which he called 'gradualists' and 'suddenists.' The idea was that some thought Baba's Manifestation would be a sudden event, with sudden results, and the other that the changes that Baba will bring about will be gradual.

Where does the notion this transformation that Baba predicted will be gradual come from? Baba, of course.
During this short period, my Word of words will touch the hearts of all mankind, and spontaneously this divine touch will instill in man the feeling of the oneness of all fellow beings. Gradually, in the course of the next 700 years, this feeling will supersede the tendency of separateness and rule over the hearts of all, driving away hatred, jealousy and greed that breed suffering, and happiness will reign. [1954, Three Incredible Weeks]
So if you live 70 years, you'll have seen one tenth of this transformation. Here's another quote by Baba.
I have come to bring about a revolution in man’s thinking, the slowest of all revolutions. (Aw/XXI/2/6)
There's not much else to say about it.

Baba insinuated that this 700 period begins with the dropping of his body. Thus we are approaching the conclusion of the first 50 years of that 700 year transformation he predicted.

I guess that makes me, like Baba, a gradualist. (:

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