Friday, August 30, 2019

Denying Baba's Words About His Words

The statement by us Baba followers that 3/4 of the world will be destroyed has a complex beginning.

Baba said this in 1954 in his Final Declaration, however, to see the complex nature of the quote one has to examine three quotes together.

First, Baba's statement about 3/4 of the world world.
1. "Before I break my silence, or immediately after it, three-fourths of the world will be destroyed." (Meher Baba, Sept. 30, 1954, in his enigmatic Final Declaration message)
Second, a qualification of this statement in his Clarification of the Final Declaration, given by Bab a two months later on November 20, 1954.
2. "The destruction of three-fourths of the world: it was said in my own language alone. (Nov. 20, 1954)
And thirdly, this from the same Clarification:
3. "My language is such that no one can understand or grasp the underlying meaning of what I say. Therefore, when I want to say a thing, I have simultaneously to make use of your language also, knowing well that you would understand nothing whatsoever if I were to make use of my language alone."
There are some very strange things that we Baba followers frequently say that contradict what Baba himself said. One is that Baba always speaks in his own language, and thus we can never understand him, or that all meaning one finds in his words is subjective and relative. That this is not so is plane in the following excerpt from the Clarification:
"Whatever is said by me in your language, you are able to understand and know what is said."
For example, Baba said that his claim in his Declaration that a strange disease would attack his body was said in our language alone. In fact, Baba did die from a still undiagnosed disease 15 years later.

These claims that, on the one hand, we can never understand Baba's words, and, on the other hand, that we can when it conforms to our prejudices, do not respect Baba's words. And I do not understand how one who does not care for Baba's words can be called a 'follower.' As Baba said:
"When you don't respect my words, how can you respect me?" (LM 522)

"You love your own feelings and personal fancies more than the worth of my words." (LM 709)

"If you don't find my words to your liking, it is better you do leave!" (LM 612)

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